2024 Youth Leadership Camp – Pemberton

2024 Youth Leadership Camp – Pemberton

28 October 2024

Last weekend we held our 2024 Youth Leadership Summit in Pemberton. ⭐

Before arriving at Pemberton Camp School, our YLS students explored the beautiful gardens located throughout the Boola Bidi Dreaming Centre and Stirling Cottages in Harvey for some morning tea. Once arriving in Pemberton, YLS students were welcomed on Wadandi country by Kaylene Gray.

The Student Team put together a range of activities for this year’s camp including a letter writing activity, encouraging students to write about leadership qualities they admire about another student. The first evening saw students take part in a quiz night, where they were put into teams and had to tackle a series of questions and fun challenges.

After breakfast the next morning, students participated in a mountain bike relay race, cycling through the mountain bike track seeking a series of clues and completing a range of riddles at the finish line. After lunch it was off for a tram tour on the Pemberton Tram Way, allowing students to fill up their camera rolls with a variety of scenic photos.

On the final night we held our annual MADALAH Gala night, having students all together to celebrate another year of YLS. We’re convinced we saw some of our craziest dance moves to date!

We were fortunate to meet Luke Carroll in the Pemberton area, who we invited to our MADALAH Gala night to see some of our students’ famous dance moves. Luke was kind enough to invite our YLS students to have a yarn with him the next day and ask questions that they have about the acting industry. We would like to thank Luke for his time with the students.

To wrap up this year’s camp, we elected our 2025 Student Council, which we will be announcing very soon! We are incredibly proud of all our YLS students for encouraging each other to write speeches and present in front of the cohort.

After a stop on the way home at fan favourite, The Crooked Carrot, all staff and students returned happy (but tired)!

We would like to say a huge thank you to MPH Lawyers for helping fund our 2024 Youth Leadership Summit. We would also like to thank Julia Murcia for attending and taking these incredible photos.

Acknowledgement of Country

MADALAH acknowledges and pays tribute to the Whadjuk Noongar, the Traditional Custodians of the Lands on which we work, and we pay our respects to their Elders – past, present and emerging. This acknowledgement extends to the First Peoples’ land across the state of Western Australia which is home to the many students that we support.

MADALAH recognises and values the continuity of cultural, educational and spiritual practices of First Peoples.

We wish to advise our First Peoples that this site may contain the names, images or audio-visual recordings of people who have passed.