MADALAH has joined Containers for Change

MADALAH has joined Containers for Change

26 February 2021

Support us through Containers for Change!

MADALAH has joined Containers for Change. Created by Western Australia Return Recycle Renew (WARRRL) the focus of Containers for Change is to reduce litter, increase recycling and help communities by encouraging social enterprise and creation of jobs.

By recycling with Containers for Change, you can not only help the environment, you can also donate the money you earn when returning your containers to eligible charities. The Containers for Change scheme offers a 10 cent refund for each eligible container returned to a refund point.

So, start collecting your recyclable containers and take them to a participating Containers for Change site. Quote MADALAH’s unique Scheme ID Number C10424178 and the funds will go directly to MADALAH.

By doing this, you will be supporting young Indigenous students from remote and regional communities to attend West Australia’s leading boarding schools and Australian universities.


Acknowledgement of Country

MADALAH acknowledges and pays tribute to the Whadjuk Noongar, the Traditional Custodians of the Lands on which we work, and we pay our respects to their Elders – past, present and emerging. This acknowledgement extends to the First Peoples’ land across the state of Western Australia which is home to the many students that we support.

MADALAH recognises and values the continuity of cultural, educational and spiritual practices of First Peoples.

We wish to advise our First Peoples that this site may contain the names, images or audio-visual recordings of people who have passed.