MADALAH recently partnered with Northern Star Resources Limited!
We held a partnership launch to thank Northern Star for partnering with MADALAH and allowing us to provide scholarships to tertiary students to study at Australia’s leading universities. Under this new partnership, we will be directly supporting 11 tertiary students from all regions of WA.
The launch started with an Acknowledgement of Country from tertiary scholar Isaiah McKenna, followed by tertiary scholar, Brianna Ozies who thanked Northern Star for their support and shared with everyone how this scholarship has helped her with completing a Doctor of Medicine. She stated, “this scholarship has not only alleviated financial stress during my university studies but has also made me become a better student and I can feel this difference.”
Unfortunately, five of the students being supported couldn’t celebrate with us on the day, but Northern Star will be supporting these students throughout their education journey and look forward to catching up with them at the next event.
Hilary Macdonald from Northern Star then shared a few words about how important it is to provide scholarships to tertiary students to help with alleviating stress and providing them with the opportunity to focus on their studies.
Brianna then presented Hilary with a glass Coolamon, handmade by students from one of our partner schools; Prendiville Catholic College. The Coolamon is a traditional Aboriginal carrying vessel with curved sides. Their shape, like a canoe, mimics the journey of life, they are traditionally used to support many points of that journey. MADALAH feels that this fits beautifully with what they do, supporting students throughout their education journey and beyond.
The support that MADALAH receives from our corporate partners like Northern Star allows us to provide quality education to Indigenous students, leading the way in generational change through education. MADALAH would once again like to say thank you to Northern Star for working with us to make a difference.