Oseyahn Monck-O’Meara is a young Bardi and Kija woman from Munget Community on the Dampier Peninsula. Oseyahn schooled away from home in Broome while residing at Broome Residential College. Oseyahn graduated year 12 at the end of 2019, and moved into the MADALAH managed Nyirrwa Murrgurlayi in Broome to gain more independence and reach some personal goals.
Oseyahn worked with our Case Support Worker Lauren Oliver to set her own goals, which included gaining her driver’s license and learning how to budget. While living at Nyirrwa Murrgurlayi, Oseyahn gained her driver’s licence, worked a part-time job at Dominoes and bought her first car.
With dance as a passion, Oseyahn auditioned and applied to attend NAIDSA Dance College in 2020. Recently, Oseyahn gained acceptance to NAIDSA, and has just moved to Sydney to start her tertiary studies.