THANK YOU iContracting, Warrikal and Neometals for partnering with MADALAH to provide scholarships for Indigenous students in WA!
On Tuesday 19 October MADALAH staff, board and scholarship recipients officially opened our new office space and welcomed our newest corporate partners to the MADALAH family; celebrating the partnerships and enjoying the opportunity to meet and greet over lunch.
A special shout out to Lewis Nannup for the acknowledgement to country, Joshua David for thanking the corporate partners personally and Byron Crawford for gifting each of them with a hand crafted Coolamon. Unfortunately two of the students being supported couldn’t celebrate with us today but these 3 organisations are collectively supporting 5 students to complete their entire high school education!!!
A Coolamon is a traditional Aboriginal carrying vessel with curved sides. Their shape, like a canoe, suggests the journey of life and they are traditionally used to support many points of that journey. We feel that this fits beautifully with what we do here at MADALAH, supporting students throughout their education journey and beyond.